The ProtocolMgmtDa type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberAddNewArm
Public methodStatic memberArePatientsScheduledOnSchema
Returns if any partients are scheduled on a Schema
Public methodStatic memberAssignPatients
Assigns patient to schema and create timeline
Public methodStatic memberDeleteOldSchemaItem
Removes old Schema Item
Public methodStatic memberDeleteOldSchemaItemFields
Removes old Schema Item Fields
Public methodStatic memberDeleteOldTimeline
Removes old Timeline and ItemTimeline records.
Public methodStatic memberDeletePatientFromSchema
Delete the Patient from the treatment arm.
Public methodStatic memberDeletePatientItems
Removes patient items and fields for a patient on a protocol treatment arm after (and including) offStudyDate
Public methodStatic memberDeleteTreatmentArm
Deletes the treatment arm.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetAllProtocols()()()()
Returns a list of all Protocol records
Public methodStatic memberGetAllProtocols(Int32, Int32, String, String, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>))
Returns a list of all Protocol Records specified in range start to end. i.e., startIndex=0,endIndex=4, will return upto first 5 records. i.e., startIndex=5,endIndex=9, will return upto 6th through 10th records.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllProtocolsWithProjects
Public methodStatic memberGetAllSchemaItems
Public methodStatic memberGetAllSchemaPresetValues
Public methodStatic memberGetAllTemplates
Returns a list of all Schema Items that are templates
Public methodStatic memberGetCalculatedDependentPatientItemsByStatus
Return a list of visits which are contingent on a patient status.
Public methodStatic memberGetChildRowsBySchemaItemId
Public methodStatic memberGetChildTablesBySchema
Gets all Child Tables which belong to a ProtocolSchema
Public methodStatic memberGetComputedDependentItemTimelineByStatusSQL
Returns the SQL which will return the calcualted firts, last and scheduled date for patient schema
Public methodStatic memberGetComputedDependentItemTimelineSQL
Returns the SQL which will return ALL dependent PatientItems which have yet to be scheduled. Return all columns from ProtocolMgr_PatientItems with ScheduledDate, FirstAnticipatedDate and LastAnticipatedDate calculated on the ScheduledDate of the source visit item.
Public methodStatic memberGetComputedTimelineSQL
Returns the SQL which will return a normalilzed list of Patient Items. This will return the depdendent items with their calcualted schedule dates.
Public methodStatic memberGetDistinctSchemaItemFields
Public methodStatic memberGetDistinctSchemaItems
Public methodStatic memberGetFullTimeline(Int32, String, Boolean)
Returns the full timeline of all patients (by dataset) for the specified Protocol.
Public methodStatic memberGetFullTimeline(Int32, IEnumerable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>), String, Boolean)
Returns the full timeline of all patients (by dataset) for the specified Protocol.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetLatestPatientProtocolStatuses
Returns a list of unique PtProtocolStatus and PatientCount (# of patients with that status). Looks across all schema arms and status of patients on the Protocol.
Public methodStatic memberGetNextParticipantID
Returns the next Participant Id
Public methodStatic memberGetNextScreeningId
Public methodStatic memberGetNextStudyId(Int32)
Public methodStatic memberGetNextStudyId(Int32, Int32)
For the given Protocol and Orgnaization, get the next study id.
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientDeviations
Returns a list of Unplanned Events based on records in Deviation Table and list of Related Tables
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientIdByPatientItemId
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientItemFields
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientProtocolsAndSchemas
Returns a list of all patients on the protocols (PatientProtocol with optional PatientSchema)
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientProtocolSchema
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientProtocolSchemasByProtocol
Gets a list of PatientSchema for a protocol
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientProtocolStatuses
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientsByProtocol(Int32, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Gets a list of patients across all tratment arms
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientsByProtocol(String, IEnumerable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>), Boolean, String, Boolean)
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientsByProtocol(Int32, String, IEnumerable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>), IEnumerable<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Boolean, Boolean)
Gets a list of patients across specified list of tratment arms
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientsByProtocolSchema
Returns a list of Patient's in the specified schema.
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientTimeline
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientVisitSchedulingSummary
Returns a list of Patient Visits and items collected during the visit.
Public methodStatic memberGetPatientVisitSummary
Public methodStatic memberGetPreviousMedTxAdministrationParentId
Get the medical therapy record associated with a previous medical therapy administration, given the patient item.
Public methodStatic memberGetProtocolCount
Return the number of Protocol records
Public methodStatic memberGetProtocolIdByPatientItemId
Public methodStatic memberGetProtocolMgrPatientSchemaInfo
Public methodStatic memberGetProtocolReport
Public methodStatic memberGetProtocolsByOrganization
Public methodStatic memberGetProtocolStatuses(Int32)
Public methodStatic memberGetProtocolStatuses(Int32, String)
Public methodStatic memberGetProtocolToxicityReport
Public methodStatic memberGetProtocolVersionsBySurvey
Returns a list of ProtocolVersionIds associated with a MetadataSurvey
Public methodStatic memberGetPSADeclineAndMaxChange
Returns the PSA Decline (Key) and MAX PSA Decline (Value) for each patient across a trial.
Public methodStatic memberGetSchemaNameInfo
Public methodStatic memberGetSchemasByProtocol
Return a list of all Schemas for a Protocol. SELECT ProtocolSchemaId, ProtocolArmDescription, ProtocolVersionId, VersionNumber
Public methodStatic memberGetSchemasByProtocolVersion
Returns a list of Schema by Protocol Verion.
Public methodStatic memberGetSurveyItemsByTimelineId
Public methodStatic memberGetSurveyTypesByTimelineId
Public methodStatic memberGetTimelineBySchmeaId
Public methodStatic memberGetTimelineBySchmeaIdSQL
Public methodStatic memberGetTimelineItemsBySchemaId
Gets all TimelineItems which belong to a ProtocolSchema
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetUniqueTableNamesBySchema
Public methodStatic memberHasTimelineBeenCreated
Returns if there are any visits created for this item.
Public methodStatic memberHavePatientsBeenAssignedToSchema
Returns if there are any patients scheduled for this item.
Public methodStatic memberIsTableAGrid
Returns if the Schema Item is a grid (i.e., FieldRowIndex IS NOT NULL)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberPopulateSummaryRepeater
Public methodStatic memberProtocolMgmtSearch
Public methodStatic memberProtocolPatientSearch
Public methodStatic memberSaveShiftData
Public methodStatic memberScheduleDependentPatientItems
For the specified Patient Item, if performed, schedule items which are depdent on it.
Public methodStatic memberScheduleDependentPatientItemsByStatus
Schedule Patient Items which are to be scheduled on specified Patient status.
Public methodStatic memberScheduleNewPatientItems
For the given Protocol Schema, schedule items which are not scheduled
Public methodStatic memberStudyIdExists
Returns if the study id "compareStudyId" exists for this Protocol
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberUpdateGroupPatientItems
Public methodStatic memberUpdateProtocolMgrPatientFieldsWithPKey(Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberUpdateProtocolMgrPatientFieldsWithPKey(Int32, IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, IEnumerable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)>)>>), String)
Updates PatientItemFields with entries for the specified tables and primary keys.

See Also