Get the PSA Doubling Time for a patient's last few (ideally 3) PSAs.

Namespace: Caisis.DataAccess
Assembly: Caisis.DataAccess (in Caisis.DataAccess.dll) Version: 4.0.4947.22627


public float GetPSADoublingTime(
	int patientId
Visual Basic
Public Function GetPSADoublingTime ( 
	patientId As Integer
) As Single
Visual C++
float GetPSADoublingTime(
	int patientId


Type: System..::..Int32
The PatientId

Return Value

Type: Single
The PSA Doubling Time in months.
If calculated using fewer than two positive (i.e. > 0) PSAs that differ by date, returns Single.PositiveInfinity. User interface developers may choose to display this as null or empty.


Internally, this method will fetch the n (ideally 3) most recent PSAs to compute doubling time, where n >= 2 and at least 2 of the PSAs differ by date. If n > 3, then at least 2 of the PSAs used have the same date.

See Also