The ThyroidPathology type exposes the following members.


Public propertyChildren (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyFieldCount (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyFieldNames (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyForeignKeyNames (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyHasChildren (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyHasSiblings (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyIsEmpty
Returns if the current BizObject is empty, i.e., fields have no value (NULL)
(Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyIsExportable (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyIsLockable (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyIsLocked (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyIsMultiAssociated (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyItem[([( Int32])]) (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyItem[([( String])]) (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyLookupKeyName (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyLookupTableName (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyParent (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyParentKeyName (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyParentTableName (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyPrimaryKeyHasValue (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyPrimaryKeyName (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyRequiredFieldsHaveData
Traverses the tree of business objects to verify that each non-empty element of the tree has data in its required fields.
(Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyRequiredFieldsHaveData2 (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyTableDescription (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyTableLabel (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyTableName (Inherited from BusinessObject.)
Public propertyUniqueConstraints (Inherited from BusinessObject.)

See Also