The SpecimenManagerDa type exposes the following members.


Public methodSpecimenManagerDa
Initializes a new instance of the SpecimenManagerDa class


Public methodCheckBloodForTissue
Public methodConcatenateSQLValuesInStrings
Concatenates two strings that are already in SQL VALUES IN format
Public methodConvertToSQLValuesInFormat
Takes an array of strings and puts every element in one string in 'str1','str2','str3' format ready to be used for SQL VALUES IN()
Public methodDeleteBoxReferenceFromSpecimens
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAccessionsByPatientId
Get all Accession records by PatientId
Public methodGetAccessionsChronoList
Get all Accession records by PatientId
Public methodGetAllSpecimens
Get all specimens records. Order by Boxname, then PositionId
Public methodGetAllSpecimensInRange
Public methodGetAvailableCollections
Gets all the collections that are available for (transfer) requests (status "Available").
Public methodGetAvailableCollectionsForSpecimens
Gets all the collections that are available for putting specimens in (status "Available" or "Pending Transfer").
Public methodGetBoxAndAncestors
Returns a DataSet (array of DataTables) which traces back the path to a SiteId. This returns the an array of sibling
Public methodGetBoxesByCollectionId
Gets all boxes (id and name) that are part of the collection If there are specimens in the collection, with no box associated, it also adds a new "Other" box with id 0
Public methodGetBreastResearchSpecimens
Get specimens based on breast cancer clinical/research data
Public methodGetBreastResearchSpecimensInRange
Same as GetBreastResearchSpecimens but takes a range of record to be returned and allows option of just returning the record count ONLY SQL SERVER 2005 Compatible
Public methodGetBTCSpecimensInRange
Public methodGetCollectionByName
Get the collection with the passed in collection name
Public methodGetCollectionDetails
Public methodGetCollectionIdByName
Get the Id of the collection by its name
Public methodGetCollections
Get the list of collections that match the parameters passed in.
Public methodGetCollectionsByRequestId
Public methodGetCollectionsBySpecimenId
Get all Collections of each specimen passing SpecimenId
Public methodGetCommaDelimitedStringFromArray
Public methodGetContactsForSpecimens
Get contacts by ContactType=Specimen for specimens
Public methodGetCytogeneticRpt
Public methodGetDistributionByRequestId
Gets the distribution associated with the request Id.
Public methodGetExisitingDistribution
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetIdentifier
Get Identifier by type (from Web.config) and specimenId
Public methodGetIdentifierByType
Get Identifier by type (from Web.config), patientId and dataset
Public methodGetLocalSpecimensInRange
Public methodGetParentsSiblingsAndSubsById
Public methodGetPrimKeybySpecId
Get Parentkey by SpeciemnId
Public methodGetProstateResearchByHistologySpecimensInRange
Same as GetProstateResearchByHistologyData but takes a range of record to be returned and allows option of just returning the record count ONLY SQL SERVER 2005 Compatible
Public methodGetProstateResearchByReferenceNumberSpecimensInRange
Same as GetProstateResearchByReferenceNumberData but takes a range of record to be returned and allows option of just returning the record count ONLY SQL SERVER 2005 Compatible
Public methodGetReceivedRequestDetails
Get details of all the specimens and boxes in the collections part of this request.
Public methodGetRequestByName
Get a Specimen Request by name (RequestIdentifier).
Public methodGetRequests
Public methodGetSpecimenDetails
Public methodGetSpecimenInventoryByProtocol
Returns a list of specimens based on Protocol patients. Optionally filtered by search params.
Public methodGetSpecimenInventoryFiltersByProtocol
Returns dataset comprised of DISTINCT PtProtocolStudyId, DISTINCT SpecimenStatus
Public methodGetSpecimenReport
Public methodGetSpecimensbyAccessionId
Get Specimens by AccessionId.
Public methodGetSpecimensByBoxId(Int32)
Public methodGetSpecimensByBoxId(Int32, Int32)
Gets all specimens in the box. Adds a custom column "Transferable" with values "yes" if the specimen is part of the collection "no" otherwise
Public methodGetSpecimenshavingChilds
used to get the Specimens having Children this is used to validate deletion of specimens in SpecimenAccession record Specimens grid
Public methodGetSpecimensInBox
Public methodGetSpecimensInBoxbyOrder
Public methodGetSpecimensInCollection
Get all specimens in the collection with the passed in Id.
Public methodGetSpecimensInCollectionForPrint
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUnboxedSpecimensByCollectionId
Gets all specimens that are part of a collection but are not in a box
Public methodLoadDropDownList
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodSetParams Obsolete. (Inherited from BaseDA.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdateRequestStatus


Protected field_DeleteStoredProc (Inherited from BaseDA.)
Protected field_GetByParentStoredProc (Inherited from BaseDA.)
Protected field_GetStoredProc (Inherited from BaseDA.)
Protected field_InsertStoredProc (Inherited from BaseDA.)
Protected field_UpdateStoredProc (Inherited from BaseDA.)

See Also