Overload List

Public methodStatic memberGetRelatedRecordsByTableAndKey(Int32, String, String, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>), IDictionary<(Of <<'(KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>), KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>)>)>>))
Public methodStatic memberGetRelatedRecordsByTableAndKey(Int32, String, String, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>), String, String, Boolean)
Returns a list of records from the dest table which related to the source system. collapseRecords=true, only records from dest table which are related to the source tables (.ie., INNER JOIN) collapseRecords=false, all records from dest table including optional related source records (i.e., LEFT JOIN)

See Also