Caisis Input Controls

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Base Properties

By default, all controls that implement the ICaisisInputControl interface, have these properties exposed to be set and retrieved by user code. These properties provide easy access to many of the control's UI elements, as well as database related properties such as Table and Field, which allow for syncing with Business Objects.

Table (string)

The name of the Database Table corresponding to a control.

Field (string)

The name of the Database Table's field corresponding to a control

Value (string)

This is the corresponding "text" value of a derived control. So, for TextBox the Value field refers to the TextBox's value, for TexArea's value, DropDownList, SelectedValue.

Visible (boolean)

The name of the Database Table corresponding to a control.

FieldLabel (string)

The name to display next to the control.

Required (boolean)

Shows if this field is required on data entry forms.

ShowHelpBubble (boolean)

True or False value indicating wheather to show a help description for a control.

HelpDescription (string)

The help description displayed for a control.

ShowLabel (boolean)

True or False indicating weather to show a control.

Enabled (boolean)

True or False indicating weather to is enabled for editing/modifying.

CssClass (string)

The CSS class name to apply to the control.

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