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Download the following 3 files:

  • Caisis.Nomogram.dll
  • Caisis.Nomogram.reg
  • Caisis.Nomogram.tlb

  1. Double-click the Caisis.Nomogram.reg file to register this DLL
  2. Open a VBA Module in the Export Analysis Utility
  3. Click Tools, References, Browse and open the Caisis.Nomogram.tlb file

Public Function TestMe()

   Dim score As Double
   Dim prp As Caisis_Nomogram.ProstatePreRPNew
   Set prp = New Caisis_Nomogram.ProstatePreRPNew
   With prp
       .NAHormones = False
       .NAXRT = False
       .psa = 2#
       .TStage = "T2a"
       .PrimaryGleason = 2
       .SecondaryGleason = 3
       .PositiveCores = 10
       .NegativeCores = 3
       .PredMonths = 120
       score = .Calculate
   End With
   TestMe = score

End Function

To unregister this DLL if you make a mistake... Go to Start, Run, cmd Bug Brandon to fix this!

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