Third Party Tools

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The Breast Cancer Tissue Bank BCTB in Australia operates Caisis 5.0 and have developed an electronic solution for checking data accuracy in an efficient and ideal way.

Once integrated with Caisis, eAuditor appears as a button on all data entry forms. A human auditor prints the record to be audited, checks the accuracy of the data shown on the database record against the original hard copy records of the data, corrects error(s) on database and printed copy then signs off the printed copy. The database audit event begins when the auditor clicks on the eAuditor button on the selected data form. This brings up a windowless popup containing a text box for total errors found on this form; a comments text box; and two check boxes: one to confirm that all fields have been verified and the other to confirm that the audited form has been printed and signed. Once the eAuditor popup has been ticked and dismissed, a tick icon appears beside the audited records on the main chronological list. This enables easy identification of records on which auditing has been completed.

Download eAuditor source code from

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